Gina Calialotz and family

Gina Calialotz wrote in to share this photo of her son Tristan and her husband Andy, taken last Christmas. Tristan is 17 months old in this picture.
Labels: Babies and Kids, Families
Labels: Babies and Kids, Families
EDUCATED, successful, high-earning and confident, they are the 'Alpha' women - power women who excel in doing a man's traditional job - and who still have time to make themselves look good. You might wonder, between all the number-crunching, not to mention gym crunches, where do the men fit in? The answer may surprise some: Wimps need not apply. Unlike some counterparts who go for compliant 'yes' men, Alpha gals want guys with gumption - and are getting them.
Labels: General
Hello Ladies! I am thrilled about our new class Blog, and I can't wait to hear the scoop on how everyone's been doing since 1999! As the current class Treasurer I'm especially interested in ideas about how we can raise some income for our 10 year reunion, and any and all help with brainstorming, execution, and various and sundry planning would be greatly appreciated.
Labels: Class Events
Hey ladies! As your friendly international correspondent, I thought I'd start out with an Asian multiple choice icebreaker of sorts...
Labels: General
Labels: Babies and Kids
Labels: Weddings
Welcome and a big thank you to Hillary (Thomas) Shaw and Mei Chee for becoming new contributors to the site. Hillary is currently living in Annapolis, starting a new business and serving a vital role as a class fund officer. Mei Chee recently, last week, relocated to back to Southeast Asia (Singapore) from New York City after getting married last year. She will be our first blogging contributor living overseas.
Labels: Blog details
Don't favor boys over girls - USA Today
Labels: In the News
Thanks to all the wonderful women who have written me with such great sentiments about the new blog. I am so happy that so many of you like the format and are interested in reconnecting with your class.
Labels: Blog details