Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mini-Reunion on April 15th in NYC?

Hello Ladies! I am thrilled about our new class Blog, and I can't wait to hear the scoop on how everyone's been doing since 1999! As the current class Treasurer I'm especially interested in ideas about how we can raise some income for our 10 year reunion, and any and all help with brainstorming, execution, and various and sundry planning would be greatly appreciated.
As for myself I've been living in NYC graduation, I've held a couple of jobs (most recently as an AVP in Family Wealth Management), and as of Friday I am once again among the unemployed and planning a move back to Boston (my land of origin) for the fall. As such, the summer will be spent playing in the city and job hunting, and any and all Class of 99ers should drop me a line - I'd love to meet with y'all in person and catch up over coffee or tea. :)
Anywho, that's my 2 cents, throw in yours! I just have one last thing to add which is the fact that I would love to try to get together a mini-reunion on April 15th at my place in NYC (near Lincoln center, time TBD), for any/all Class of 99ers who are in the area and are interested in getting together to catch up and brainstorm for Reunion. Drop me a line if you can make it (or would like to make it another time), and feel free to email me for directions. I look forward to seeing many of you soon!



At 4/07/2006 10:38 AM, Blogger Smith College Class of '99 said...

You know Jess and I will be there!


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