Monday, April 02, 2007

GQ Gets it Wrong

GQ's April issues is running an article titled "Where to Find Her, 2007". Below the article title is the following, "A whole world of smart, beautiful women are out there, from the beaches of Uruguay to aisles of Whole Foods. We searched far and wide to discover the best spots on the planet to meet them."

Now, my first thought is Smith College (or really any women's college) would be a natural choice for finding "smart, beautiful" women. Oh how wrong I am...

Now, I'm not expecting greatness from GQ, but the article contains a sidebar which additionally describes where not to find her. There, so graciously lumped in with family reunion, Hooters and on vacation with the wife and kids, is Smith College.... apparently not home to the "smart. beautiful women" I remember.

Oh GQ.... I'm sorry, but you are just so so so wrong.

To say the least current Smithies, at those on the Daily Jolt (where I found out about this little tidbit), are up in arms and have started calling for a variety of protests. They put together a Facebook group called "F*ck You, GQ: Smithies are Beautiful" calling on Smithies to send photos of themselves to the editor of GQ to demonstrate their beauty. From their website:

"…while this list offends all different types of nationalities, sexualities, religions, hobbies, and age groups in addition to ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE, I feel that it is our JOB to stand up for our college. Smith does not get enough positive publicity. This article appears in a well-known, well-read magazine. It offends our school, our intelligence, our beauty, and our beliefs. It lowers us to a worthless thing. According to GQ, we are merely a place where smart and beautiful women cannot be found…"
I personally liked this response from the Daily Jolt:
Dear GQ,
In light of your recent mention of Smith College as lacking smart beautiful women, we hereby challenge you to an academic decathlon and swimsuit contest.

Smith College
There are some entertaining threads going on over at the Regular Daily Jolt and at the Alumnae Daily Jolt.



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