1875 Ad for Smith College
I found this bit of Smith history in the archives. The ad ran in 1875 to encourage young women to apply. I have typed out the text below the image since its a little hard to read.

Smith College for Young Women
Northampton, Mass.
This college will be opened for the reception of students on the second Thursday, 1875. The course of studies occupying four years, will be fully equivalent to that in our best New England colleges for young men.
Candidates for admission to the lowest class will be examined in Arithmetic, Geography, the construction of the English language, general outlines of History, the Latin and Greek Grammars, the Catiline of Sallust, the seven orations of Cicero, the first six books of Virgil's Aenid, three books of Xenophon's Anabasis, two books of Homer's Iliad, Algebra to Quadratic Equations, and two books of Geometry.
For circulars or information apply to the President, Rev. L. Clark Seelye, Amherst Mass.; or to the Secretary of the Trustees, J.M. Greene, Lowell, Mass.
Labels: History
Nice find! Good old Seeyle and Greene. Based on those admission criteria, I'd never have got in! ;)
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